This is essentially the same as muttabal or baba ganoush but simpler:
1 large aubergine per person.
garlic, olive oil, lime juice, salt
Halve the aubergines, place them on baking paper on a tray. No need for oil. Grill on highest temperature for 20-30 minutes until completely burned on the outside. Scoop out the flesh in chunks. Serve warm, sprinkled with a good olive oil, squeezed garlic, a bit of lime juice and fleur de sel. Had it in Jerusalem served on a bed of tahini and with some herbed & spiced oil which makes an interesting contrast of textures.
When roasting over an open gas flame, the flesh seems to stay firmer than in the oven. Maybe if the oven is set to the highest temperature and the aubergines are very close to the grill then this can be achieved in the oven as well.